Heroic Dads Leverage The Legacy Principle

Heroic Dads Leverage The Legacy Principle

Someone has said that if you want good health throughout life choose your parents very carefully.  The genetic traits we inherit at conception play a major role in our physical well-being, and they are with us for life.  So avoid getting stuck with a pool of crummy...
Heroic Husbands Lead Spiritually

Heroic Husbands Lead Spiritually

God is the architect of marriage and he called the man to lead.  Paul, in his instructions to the Ephesians, placed the husband as the head of the home (Ephesians 5:22-24).  In The Christian Husband Bob Lepine writes, “We’re not talking about ability or about value. ...
Beyond Guyland

Beyond Guyland

In his book Guyland, sociologist and author Michael Kimmel describes the five milestones historically associated with adulthood: Milestone #1: Leaving home Milestone #2: Completing one’s education Milestone #3: Starting work Milestone #4: Getting married Milestone #5:...
Like Christ?

Like Christ?

Last week we challenged you to ask God for grace as you seek to model heroic self-sacrifice on behalf of those you’ve been called to lead.  How is that process going?  How would you even know?  The Apostle Paul summarized the attitudes and actions of Christ-like...
Heroic Grandfathers Have A Clear Purpose

Heroic Grandfathers Have A Clear Purpose

Grandparents hold a unique and exalted position when it comes to the process of spiritual formation in the next generation.  Other than mom and dad, no one else carries the stature or inherent authority in the lives of children.  In fact, not even mom or dad can fill...