There is power in cultivating healthy families!
You'll hear us talk a lot about family here at PCBC. There is good reason for that. It should be no surprise to say that the family has been under attack since creation, but even more so in the culture and time that we live. But God intends to restore what has been lost and build up what He has made new! That's why we cultivate healthy families here; to build YOUR FAMILY and the FAMILY OF GOD.
Weekly Gatherings:
Sunday Mornings
We have multiple classes that meet every Sunday Morning. If you would like to get involved, stop by our Connect Center right in front of the Worship Center to find out which ones would work best for you!
A mentor is a model, an encourager, and an imparter of knowledge. We desire to provide mentors for engaged/newly married couples, new parents, and single parents. We understand that a mentor is not a know-it-all, but rather someone whose hindsight can become your foresight. Wednesday Night Classes are offered each year where parents and married couples can study God’s word and develop relationships with godly mentors.
Faith Path
Faith @ Home Resource Center

We are committed to:
Developing Maturity
Our desire is to provide opportunities for spiritual growth and development in marriage and parenting. We provide classes and resources to equip couples for marriage and families for parenting. Opportunities include:
- A special emphasis in Adult Bible Fellowship classes on Sunday mornings
- Marriage/parenting conferences (including our annual marriage conference- Together Forever!)
- Family fun events
Commemorating Milestones
Our desire is to equip parents to recognize opportunities to intentionally celebrate significant spiritual milestones in a child’s life including:
- Parent Dedication
- Blessing your child
- Family Time
- Preparing to Lead Your Child to Christ
- Prayer
- First Bible
- Worship
- Giving & Serving
- Preparing for Adolescence
- Purity
- Rite of Passage
- Launch