Wednesday Nights
Wednesday Nights are important here at PCBC! It’s a chance for everyone to be filled up and ready for the rest of the week. Recharge is our midweek schedule that is jam packed with activities, Bible study and equipping, for kids and students, and adults.
Whether you’re already a part of the PCBC family or just looking for a place to get plugged in, Recharge is a great way to get started!
Weekly Schedule
5-6pm Wednesday Night Meal
Cost is now $5 per person and the Family Meal happens in the Worship Center
In order to ensure that there is enough food prepared, please register all those coming for the meal using the button below.
In order to ensure that there is enough food prepared, please register all those coming for the meal using the button below.
6-7:30pm Weekly Events
(Schedule may differ slightly during Summer and holidays)
Adults – Various Bible studies
Middle School Crash – 6-8th graders in the Worship Center
High School Crash – 9-12th graders in the Annex
Kids – Ages K-5th grade, fun and active Bible skills, drills, and thrills
Preschool - Childcare is available for infants thru Pre-K for adults attending classes.
English as a Second Language (ESL) – For anyone wanting to learn English
Middle School Crash – 6-8th graders in the Worship Center
High School Crash – 9-12th graders in the Annex
Kids – Ages K-5th grade, fun and active Bible skills, drills, and thrills
Preschool - Childcare is available for infants thru Pre-K for adults attending classes.
English as a Second Language (ESL) – For anyone wanting to learn English
February 12 - March 12 @ 6pm
Grief Support - From Heartache to Hope
Have you ever wondered how God has gifted you to serve? Have you ever wondered where you fit into the ministry of your church? If so, we have a class that will help you find your PLACE. It can be hard to know what God wants you to do with your life and ministry. PLACE helps people discover their unique Spiritual Gifts through a Biblically-based assessment tool. If you want to gain clarity in your identity, join us on Wednesdays beginning February 12 to walk through finding your PLACE in ministry.
Heartache is real. It is a part of our broken world. But that doesn’t mean you are alone, and that doesn’t mean that there is no hope. Being a part of the body of Christ means that we have a Savior who will give us the strength to move through our pain, and a church family who can walk alongside our hurts.. Journey…From Heartache to Hope will provide a safe, comfortable, personal venue for grievers to interact with others who are working through some of the same feelings and experiences to recover hope and move toward their new reality.
3 Circles - Sharing Your Faith
ESL (English as A Second Language)
Life change - It all begins with a conversation. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the most profound reality of life. But sharing it with someone can be as simple as three circles. Discover how you can share the gospel with anyone using the Life Conversation Guide. It begins with 3 Circles. If you’ve ever not had the words to say to share the Gospel, come join us to learn a simple presentation that will help you be prepared to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Imagine trying to live in a foreign country where you don’t know the local language. This is the daily reality for many people in your community. English as a Second Language (ESL) ministry teaches basic English skills and biblical truth to non-english speaking residents in our community. It happens every Wednesday PM from 6-7:30pm. Know someone who needs ESL? Invite them or bring them!
Bible Study in Philippians
We will have a study in Philippians where we will learn about the joy we share, how to think like a Christian, living a transformed life, how to stand firm, and gaining confidence in Christ.