
Bringing together women of all ages and stages.

The Women’s Ministry at PCBC serves to encourage and equip women to discover a God designed purpose, then grow in our ability to enrich and evangelize our families, church and communities.

Women's Winter Bible Study

James: A Study of Christian Life and Conduct

Join us on a 10-week journey through James: A Study on Christian Life and Conduct on Wednesday mornings from 11:00 to 12:30 p.m. The 3-hole punched workbook costs $10 and will be available for pick up on the first day of class on January 8th.

This discussion book study is created to give you directional guidance while allowing you to hear from God through the Holy Spirit as you dive into the beautiful words of this book.

Our Purpose:


Through Fellowship
  • Bunco | 4th Tuesday of each month at 6pm
  • Mom2Mom | Once a month at 9:30am on Thursdays (Sept. - May.)
  • Day Out With Friends | Summer Day Trips


Spiritual Growth
  • Journey through the Bible | Wed. at 10am
  • Semester Studies | Wed. at 11am 
  • Women’s Bible Fellowship | Sun. at 9:45am


Small Groups
  • Stronger Together - Ministery for Widows | 2nd Thursday of each month at 11:45am
  • Annual One Day Conference |  Each Spring


Through Service
  • Sewin’ and Stuffin’ | 3rd Tuesday of each month at 9:30am
  • Annual Ladies Christmas Tea | 1st Saturday of December at 9:30 (benefits a local ministry for women)

Upcoming for Women's Ministry:

Laurelyn Sheffield


Sherri Padgham

Adminsrative Assistant

Contact Us

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